
Australian wool market remained strong and rose across the board ---- a week's market info (May 6, 2022)

2022/9/14 15:01:45

Australia's wool market remained strong this week, rising across the board. The higher enthusiasm of buyers has pushed up the prices of various models in the market, especially the bidding for the good model with low grass impurities and the best model of merino wool is fierce. In the end, the national guide price of Merino set wool MPG rose 7-57 Australian cents. The Border Wool, Hybrid Wool and Zero Wool markets also performed well, pushing the AWEX Eastern Market Index (EMI) up 24 Australian cents to 1401 Australian cents/kg. This week's supply decreased by 8,599 bales to 40,153 bales as compared with last week, resulting in a turnover of 37,751 bales, with a turnover rate of 6.0%, down by 4.8% as compared with last week.